Demoiselle Crane. Anthropoides Virgo

Demoiselle Crane. Anthropoides Virgo  

  • Smallest of all cranes. Gray except for black head and neck.
  • Male slightly larger than females.
  • A. virgo (Demoiselle crane) and A. paradiseus (blue crane) are the only crane species which lack Red on forehead and have feathers on the head.
  • Distinctive white ear tufts from behind eye to upper nape.
  • Elongated black plumage of fore neck hangs down below breast.
  • Distributed in Central Eurasia from black sea (east) to Mongolia and NE China. Winter migrant in Indian sub continent (Gujrat, Rajasthan) and sub-Saharan Africa. Small breeding population in Turkey.
  • Birds from West Eurasia winter in Sub-Saharan Africa. Birds from C. Asia, Mongolia and China winter in the Indian sub continent. This flock was filmed in Gujrat on the side of the highway connecting Porbandar to Jamnagar.
  • Primarily grass land dwellers often in close vicinity to water bodies. Is also adapting to agricultural fields in wintering areas in India.
  • Dietary preferences mainly seeds, small insects, beetles, worms, lizards or other small vertebrates.
  • Spring breeder with nests on ground but eggs, usually two, are often laid directly on ground. Breeds well in captivity.
  • Species of least concern (CITES II)
  • Habitat loss and degradation, human disturbance, intensive use of pesticides and intentional poisoning are some areas of concern.
  • In Kheechan in Rajasthan, thousands of birds are fed daily with grain throughout winter.

©Srimaa Communication

Credits- Dr. Yashpal Singh, Mrs. Neena Singh, Manoj Kumar Yadav


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