Suggestions on the Draft EIA Notification 2020 as proposed by the Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change
Ground Water Clearances for existing users in Overexploited, Critical and Semi-critical areas and the need to establish a Pan India process and define the...
Ensuring Effective Environmental Governance – Part 1
Zero Liquid Discharge Standards for Distilleries in Uttar Pradesh, India – Propriety and Rationale.
Release of book entitled “Distillery Spent Wash and It’s Utilization in Agriculture”
Reviewing the Quality of Environmental Impact Assessment Reports
The National Green Tribunal and Suggestions on the Conservation, Protection, Regulation and Management Of Groundwater
Permission to Construct Multistoreyed Flats on Small Land Holdings to Kill Cities
Microplastics, Environment and Human Health
Demoiselle Crane. Anthropoides Virgo
The Seventeenth Course of the Wealthy Waste School India. Cement and Mining Sector
Resource inadequacies and welfare. The need to control population
Olfactory sensory abilities in Elephants. A remarkable asset