The Ecology of Electric & Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Supreme Court on Principle of Natural Justice. Committee reports submitted to NGT should be shared with individual parties for seeking objections before implementing recommendations
Dr. Yashpal Singh on Technology for Distillery Waste Management. A case for Non ZLD options
Zero Liquid Discharge Standards for Distilleries in Uttar Pradesh, India – Propriety and Rationale.
The National Green Tribunal and Suggestions on the Conservation, Protection, Regulation and Management Of Groundwater
The Central Pollution Control Board decides to refuse consents to industries which do not meet the Online Monitoring guidelines and the OCEMS compliance...
National Green Tribunal Disallows Zero Liquid Discharge and Online Monitoring Systems Across the Board in All Industries
Some Issues of Interest to the Distillery Sector
Sugar – Manufacture, Co-generation and Sustainability
Sugarcane-Biology, Agriculture and Ecology
Lesser Angle-wing Katydid (Microcentrum retinerve)
Microplastics, Environment and Human Health
Demoiselle Crane. Anthropoides virgo