Central Pollution Control Board, India defers the process of registration of Producers, Importers and Brand Owners under the PWM Rules
MoEF & CC, Govt. of India authorizes QCI-NABET accredited EIA Consultants to provide “No Increase in Pollution Load Certificate”.
Dr. Yashpal Singh on Technology for Distillery Waste Management. A case for Non ZLD options
Processing, production and manufacturing sectors not to require Environmental Clearance if proposed change including expansion does not involve any increase in pollution
Environment Clearance Procedures Relaxed for Distillery and Sugar Mills going in for expansion under the Ethanol Blended Petrol Program
Guidelines for seeking recommendations of the Standing Committee of National Board for Wild Life for activities in protected areas
Expansion and other proposed changes in existing industries without any further increase in Pollution Load – A case for Exemption from Consent to Establish...
Dual Plumbing and the possibility of fecal – oral transmission of disease vectors including the COVID-19 virus. Need for an Audit
Microplastics, Environment and Human Health
Demoiselle Crane. Anthropoides Virgo
The Seventeenth Course of the Wealthy Waste School India. Cement and Mining Sector
Resource inadequacies and welfare. The need to control population
Olfactory sensory abilities in Elephants. A remarkable asset