The Seventeenth Course of the Wealthy Waste School India. Cement and Mining Sector
The Sixteenth Course of the Wealthy Waste School India. Consultants
The Fifteenth Course of the Wealthy Waste School India. Sugar and Distillery Industries
The Fourteenth Course of the Wealthy Waste School India. Cement and Mining Industries
The Thirteenth Course of the Wealthy Waste School India. Consultants
The Twelfth Course of the Wealthy Waste School India. Sugar Industries and Distilleries
The Eleventh Course of the Wealthy Waste School India. Officers of Gaurang Environmental Solutions Private Limited
The Tenth Course of the Wealthy Waste School India. Cement and Mining Industries
Sugar – Manufacture, Co-generation and Sustainability
Sugarcane-Biology, Agriculture and Ecology
Lesser Angle-wing Katydid (Microcentrum retinerve)
Microplastics, Environment and Human Health
Demoiselle Crane. Anthropoides virgo