Circulars issued by the MoEF on Environmental Clearance in 2011

Published on 29/05/2012

  1. Convening of the 23rd Meeting of the National Coastal Zone Management Authority – Reg. [Updated: December 29th, 2011]
  2. O.M. [08/09/2011] – Removal of sand in the Coastal Regulation Zone area of rivers/estuaries by manual methods by traditional communities. [Updated: November 09th, 2011]
  3. Consideration of proposals regarding Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts, Maharashtra. [Updated: November 09th, 2011]
  4. O.M. [30/10/2011] – Accreditation of the EIA Consultants with Quality Council of India (QCI) National Accreditation Board of Education and Training (NABET). [Updated: October 11th, 2011]
  5. O.M. [05/10/2011] – Integrated Steel Plants and Sponge Iron Plants, which are linked to iron ore as raw material from mining operations in the Districts of Bellary, Tumkur and Chitradurga in Karnataka. [Updated: October 5th, 2011]
  6. O.M. [05/10/2011] – Ownership of EIA report and other documents by the project proponent. [Updated: October 5th, 2011]
  7. Adherence to the procedure for conduct of Public Hearing as prescribed in the EIA Notification, 2006 – Regarding. Dated September 28, 2011.
  8. Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) – Extension of Moratorium up to 31.03.2012 – Regarding. Dated September 27, 2011
  9. Mining Projects from the Districts of Bellary, Tumkur and Chitradurga in Karnataka – reg. Dated: September 20, 2011.
  10. Consideration of projects for grant of environment clearance under EIA Notification, 2006, which involve forestland – Procedure to be followed – further clarifications – reg. Dated: September 9, 2011.
  11. Reclassification of Coastal Regulation Zone area on the grounds of ‘Error apparent on face of the Record’ – reg dated 08.08.2011.
  12. Reporting by the regional offices of MoEF – instructions regarding. dated 05.08.2011.
  13. Contact information of project proponents to be made part of the environmental clearance/Terms of reference (EC/TOR) letters-reg dated 18.07.2011.
  14. Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) – Lifting of Moratorium in respect of industrial clusters/areas of (i) Singrauli (M.P. Part and U.P. Part), (ii) Ib Valley, Jharsuguda (Orissa) -reg dated 05.07.2011.
  15. Consideration of proposals regarding Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts, Maharashtra, dated 04.07.2011.
  16. Reclassification of CRZ areas of Coastal Zone Management Plan approved in 1996 under the CRZ Notification, 1991 – reg. Updated: July 1st, 2011, dated 01.07.2011.
  17. Environment Clearance for setting up of Solar Thermal Power Plants under JNNSM – applicability of EIA Notification, 2006 – reg, dated 30.06.2011.
  18. Accreditation of the EIA Consultants with Quality Council of India / National Accreditation Board of Education and Training (QCI/NABET) – reg, dated 30.06.2011.
  19. Out of turn consideration for environmental clearance in respect of Building and Construction Sector Projects having green rating – reg, dated 27.06.2011.
  20. Applicability of environmental clearance for new/expansion of existing Aluminum recycling project, dated 23.06.2011.
  21. Applications received for prescribing TORs/grant of EC involving land claimed to be owned by different project proponents – Procedure to be followed – reg, dated 08.06.2011.
  22. Debarring of M/s R. K. Consultants, Jodhpur from the list of accredited Environmental Consultants – Withdrawal thereof – regarding, dated 30.05.2011.
  23. Consideration of projects in respect of critically polluted areas Applicability of General Conditions to Construction Projects Clarification – regarding, dated 24.05.2011.
  24. Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on CEPI; Lifting of Moratorium in respect of industrial clusters/areas of (i) Bhadravati, (ii) Mangalore and (iii) Greater Kochi – regarding, dated 23.05.2011.
  25. Development of Protocol and format for self-monitoring for adoption by all the project proponents – Constitution of committee regarding, dated 19.05.2011.
  26. Development of criteria and formulation of guidelines for categorization of non-compliances into the category of serious and not so serious – Constitution of committee regarding, dated 19.05.2011.
  27. Change in venue for EAC (Mining) meeting, dated 16.05.2011.
  28. Applicability of environmental clearance for Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) Power Projects, dated 13.05.2011.
  29. Out of turn consideration for environmental clearance in respect of Building and Construction Sector Projects having green rating, 10-05-2011.
  30. Consideration of projects in respect of critically polluted areas, 28-04-2011.
  31. Procedure for consideration of proposals for grant of environmental clearance under EIA Notification, 2006, which involve Forests, 26-04-2011.
  32. Corporate Environmental Responsibility, 26-04-2011.
  33. Stipulation of additional conditions in respect of mega projects already granted environmental clearances, 06-04-2011.
  34. Consideration of projects for grant of environmental clearance under EIA Notification, 2006 which will involve forestland, dated 31-03-2011.
  35. Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI)- Extension of Moratorium up to 30-09-2011, dated 31-03-2011.
  36. Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) – Lifting of Moratorium in respect of industrial clusters/areas of (i) Angul Talchar (Orissa), (ii) Faridabad (Haryana), (iii) Ghaziabad (UP), (iv) Indore (MP), (v) Junagadh (Gujarat), (vi) Noida (UP) and (vii) Panipat (Haryana), dated 31-03-2011.
  37. Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) – Lifting of Moratorium in respect of industrial clusters/areas of (i)Agra, (ii)Aurangabad, (iii)Bhavnagar, (iv) Cuddalore, (v) Dombivalli, (vi) Ludhiana, (vii) Navi Mumbai and (viii) Varanasi-Mirzapur., dated 15.2.2011.
  38. Directions for show cause notice for revocation of the environmental clearance to the 6MTPA Integrated Steel Plant and 1000 MW Captive Power Plant at Kerjang, Angul, Orisaa by M/s Jindal Steel & Power Ltd, dated 10.2.2011.
  39. Consideration of projects in pipeline attracting CRZ Notification, 2011 issued vide S.O.No.19(E), dated 6.1.2011 and IPZ Notification vide S.O.20(E), dated 6.1.2011.
  40. Consideration of proposals regarding in Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts, Maharashtra.
  41. Consideration of projects of thermal power, steel sector etc for environmental clearance with sourcing of coal from dedicated coal blocks /Coal India Ltd. [Updated: January 20th, 2011]

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