Dr. Yashpal Singh on Technology for Distillery Waste Management. A case for Non ZLD options

Dr. Yashpal Singh on Technology for Distillery Waste Management. A case for Non ZLD options

Presentation made by Dr. Yashpal Singh, Chairman, The Wealthy Waste School India, Former Director, Environment, Government of U.P., Member, Expert Appraisal Committee, MoEF & CC and Author of Book entitled “Distillery Spent Wash and Its Utilization in Agriculture”.

This was made at the National Webinar cum training program organized by the alumni association JNU on Distillery- Ethanol Industries: Environment Clearance (EC), Enviro- Legal implication and allied subject on 22/07/2021. The Presentation discusses the immense economic value of spent wash despite its polluting nature and how the nutrient content of spent wash is being utilized in various countries. It also discusses the various technologies available for distillery wast management, the issue of prescribing standards and the views of the Honourable NGT in the matter of Zero Liquid Discharge and Online continuous effluents Monitoring Systems. Some issues related to the E.I.A. Notification, siting criteria and the current amendments to the EIA Notification including Environmental Clearance, consent to establish and the relaxation to distilleries going in for expansion have been discussed.

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